Before my first service learning activity
The first time I tried to attend the service learning activity, I was disappointed. I had just missed the jeep that would take us to Camarin, Caloocan City. I had arrived just two minutes after my class had already departed for the designated location. I vowed that the next time I was given the chance to attend the service learning activity that I would be very punctual. Beforehand, I had already tried to relate the relevance of what I had learned in CSRGOVE to the activity that I had to attend. Honestly, at first, I did not see the importance of it. Luckily, as sessions passed by I was more enlightened. I realized that success isn't only measured in the profits in revenue of a company. As an entrepreneur you do indeed measure success by money. However, as a person, you measure it by fulfillment. Then I realized that a hands-on activity on giving back to the community can further enlighten my sense of social responsibility. And thus, I was given the "next time" that I had been waiting for.
During my first service learning activity
When I got to Camarin Caloocan City, I realized that what I thought before to be insignificant help coming from us students was actually valuable. It was a small cooperative that had only 200 members out of the 80,000 population of the community. It was now that I said to myself "I am sure that all companies start out small" and it made me want to help this cooperative prosper. My group mates and I were in-charge of promotions. I realized that helping promote this small cooperative can help them increase their manpower and profitability. In my small way I dreamt leaving a big impact on this community and this cooperative. The way the cooperative wanted to give back to the community made me realize that for a company to be successful, it must give back to the community as well. This would enable the community to increase their purchasing power thus generating more revenue for the company. I realized that Corporate Social Responsibility was helping both the company and the community. This session had opened my eyes to the importance of every stakeholder involved in a certain situation. We must take care of the people who also take care of us. I ended this session with a sense of fulfillment especially after what I learned and after meeting new people.
After my first service learning activity
My realizations from that learning activity will forever be significant. I believe that that simple outreach will help shape the entrepreneur that I wish to be in the future. Corporate Social Responsibility is as important to a businessman and to a company as any other factor contributing to being a great organization. You will not only measure what you've gained from the revenue you generate but also by the respect you earn from your community. The incorporation of ethics and values in the systematic approach to the governance of a company will help ensure a more successful future for the organization.
I am honored to have been given a chance to be enlightened as I was. It is an experience that will surely guide me throughout my future career in the corporate world. My decisions in my corporate battles and endeavors will mirror what I have learned so far from this course.
My first CSRGOVE learning log
My first log in CSRGOVE introduced me to the concept of being a successful and a responsible business man at the same time. I realized that doing good in a business did not only mean being profitable. I learned that it also meant giving back to the immediate community where your company is located or where your company has an effect. I also learned that there are a lot of different phases when it comes to being a corporately responsible company.
My second CSRGOVE learning log
The second log is about a bit more structured definition of CSR. I was introduced to Carroll's pyramid of corporate social responsibility. Vested in this pyramid were the different stages towards becoming a philanthropic company. It enumerated the 4 steps which were mainly Economic, Legal, Ethical and Philanthropic.
This gave me an idea as to how to more efficiently and more concretely organize a company. In other words these were the most basic concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility.
My third CSRGOVE learning log
This log is about how I learned that there was a hierarchy of Philanthropic Social Responsibility. This stage of Philanthropy was divided in to more stages. This revised model used Philanthropy as the base of that hierarchy. The next few stages involved using Corporate Social Responsibility as a means for risk management and value creation. These additional concepts further stresses the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility to different companies. As seen here, CSR can be used to generate more profit for a company due in part to the promotional power a company is able to utilize whenever it does good for a community. An example of promotional CSR can be during typhoons wherein different companies are able to attract attention by donating products and funds and at the same time help those who are in need of help.
My fourth CSRGOVE learning log
In this log, I want to emphasize the importance of the so-called Triple Bottom Line in Corporate Social Responsibility. You can see an illustration of this concept below.
This is the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in which I believe that all of the stakeholders are related to the company. This emphasizes the importance of making sure that a decision made by the company takes into consideration the effect it will have on different stakeholders.
It is absolutely essential that the sustainability of the decision be valid for it to be successful.
My fifth CSRGOVE learning log
My fifth log is about a case that we studied in CSRGOVE. It is about a saddhu who was found by mountaineers along the Himalayas. I found this story compelling as it visibly shows the different levels of help and responsibility felt by the different stakeholders of the situation. I saw that most of them were only willing to help up to a certain extent. Now to my mind, I had made the analogy of the situation to the different major corporations in the world. I realized that just like most of the mountaineers, corporations believe that they are only obliged to help as long as in does not hinder any of projected progress that will be experienced by the company. I believe that most companies who practice Corporate Social Responsibility still thrive on the chance to create profits for themselves using the different methods included in CSR. That is the summary of what I learned from the story. However, I cannot blame the mountaineers. It is very true that most of us will only care to help as long it is not going to affect ourselves negatively.
My sixth CSRGOVE learning log
My sixth log is about the interesting story involving McDonald's and an old lady. A cup of coffee spilled on an old lady which in my mind was her fault. However, after the incident, she asked for compensation from McDonald's who refused to pay for her medical bills. This in itself is a story that proves that there are still some responsibilities that the company are supposed to carry out. A simple gesture by McDonald's could have avoided them a very costly lawsuit. I believe that customers and corporations should both be held liable in certain situations.
My seventh CSRGOVE learning log
My last log is about the importance of having a clear definition on how far your corporation is responsible for their products. I realized this because of the debate that we had. It shows that there were still indeed fault on the part of the customer however she defended herself well. Because of this, I believe in the need of corporations to have fine lines when it comes to how they treat and take care of their customers.
My eighth CSRGOVE learning log
On our Eighth week of CSRGOVE, we watched a particular video that tackled a very timely predicament that our world is currently facing. The video was entitled An Inconvenient Truth and it starred ex-Vice President of the United States of America Al Gore. The documentary tackled the increasingly alarming level of Carbon Dioxide that was present in our world and the erratic shifts and increases in temperatures all over the globe. It also tackled the melting of the polar ice caps which would bring about a rise in global sea levels. Through this documentary, I was able to see how the world has changed dramatically over the recent decades. I was alarmed by what I learned. While watching the film, I had thought of the things that I did that contributed to the problem. I realized that we are all at fault for the damage that has already been done to our world.
My ninth CSRGOVE learning log
In my ninth log, we had just finished the documentary An Inconvenient Truth due to times constraints of the prior session. We were now discussing the implications that a company can have on the environment. I had seen that Corporate Social Responsibility was not always easy for a company. Not properly acknowledging one's responsibilities to the environment as a company can cause losses to a company. However, trying to address those duties can also mean spending more money for a company.
Still, I realized that there are some companies who are very much willing to take the risks of being responsible to the environment and the immediate community that they affect. I realized that there is positivity to be gained from being aware of your duties as a company. It can bring in good publicity for a company and make them more note worthy therefore presenting the possibility of making a company more profitable. Also, there are those companies who I see are really dedicated to change. To making a difference in this world. To leave mark as a good company is to be profitable while to leave a mark as a great company it to be truly responsible.
My tenth CSRGOVE learning log
I realized that going green wasn't only a duty. It was also a business. I saw that consumers were now more aware of those companies and brands who were friends to the environment. Trends like B.Y.OB (bring your own bag) are evidence that there is now a greater deal of attention directed at being environment-friendly. I realized that this was the time dedicated for movement and change for companies. Being more ethical and responsible in their approach. As a management major, I realized that once I graduate and begin my own company, I should also keep in mind that CSR will be an important factor that will contribute to my success.
I believe it is time, not only for the companies, but also the consumers to be more responsible and ethical. The companies should encourage consumers to embrace the shift in social responsibility in the world right now. I believe that it is part of a company's duty to ensure that CSR does not stop within the bounds and limitations of a company; rather it should spread to the market that it caters.
My eleventh CSRGOVE learning log
In this log, I would like to highlight our visit to Epiphany cooperative in Camarin, Caloocan City. I am part of the promotions team that handled the brochure to encourage more people of the 80,000 strong community to join the cooperative. I realized how important it was helping these people. It was a way of giving the a better chance at a better life. This cooperative would help those members who were in dire need of financial aid. Who knows what implications this organization could contribute to the success of this community?
I was very honored to be given a chance to help this cooperative. Also, during the session, I realized that it was important to give back to the immediate community. A successful community means purchasing power for the people. Purchasing power means more potential profit for a company. But, other than just money, the fulfillment of helping those in need and giving back to your fellow countrymen nourishes the spirit of any person.
This is certainly one of the most significant experiences I've had in CSRGOVE so far. I was enlightened in a way that I know I will remember forever especially when I grow up and have my own battles and make my own decisions in the corporate world.
My twelfth CSRGOVE learning log
I would like to summarize all that I've learned from this course so far. Profitability is indeed important. However, it is not enough to make you a great or even a good company. You also have to take care of the people who take care of you. I realized this in CSR. Success shouldn't only be confined to the company. It is also for the community which you affect.
As I grow up, I will not forget the importance of the community as CSRGOVE has taught me. I think that Corporate Social Responsibility in governance should be properly practice as it helps us further improves ourselves as leaders. We must always strive to be better than just good to help not only our future companies and ourselves but also for the good of those who are around us and most especially the environment. All the material things we have, we owe to the environment. I think it is just to take care of the world the way that it has taken care of us.
God Bless you and thank you for taking time to read my blog :)